Mississippi's 1st legal distillery opening

Cathead Vodka photo
No one ever said people didn't make whiskey in Mississippi. But legaly whiskey? Ah, that's a different story.

Come January 2011, though, a pair of young entrepreneurs in Gluckstadt, Madison County, plan to  begin operations as the state's first legal distillery.

Cathead Vodka will be made there by Austin Evans and Richard Patrick. They opened the facility earlier this year and have been using it to distribute their corn-based vodka which currently is being made out of state.

The legal process "took us about three years," Evans told the local Madison County Journal. "We've been studying the law books and the people at the ABC (Alcohol, Beverage Control) have been real helpful to us."

Cathead isn't the only alcohol-producing facility in the state, but it is the first distillery. The Lazy Magnolia Brewing Company in Kiln brews Southern Pecan brand beers, the Old South Winery in Natchez produces muscadine wine, and a third facility produces wine in Louisville.

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