Dunn behind the mike. |
Dan Dunn, who writes about adult beverages under the title of "
The Imbiber," will debut his new SiriusXM Satellite Radio show this evening.
"Dan Dunn's Happy Hour" will be heard from 7 to 8 p.m. (Eastern Time) on SiriusXM Stars Too (channel 104) every Thursday, then rebroadcast on Friday at 10 p.m. and Saturday at 5.
Dunn, an unrepentant wise guy and darned entertaining at it, notes, "Over the years, people have often told me that I have a face for radio. I, in turn, have kicked those people in the junk as hard as I could. But now that I'm going to be on SiriusXM ... the company's lawyers have advised me to let that clichéd, yet inexplicably irresistible insult slide. Such restraint is a small price to pay, I guess, for a shot at the BIG TIME! After all, anyone who's paying attention knows that radio is the up-and-coming new medium."
The debut show tonight will be broadcast from inside the 10 Pound Bar at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA.
"We're going to do the show remotely from different locations every week: bars, lounges, wineries, distilleries, festivals... anywhere, really, where the management insists you show a valid ID to gain entry," Dunn said.
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