Long Island vodka distillers to double ...

... all the way to two.

Since the much-lamented (at least by me) Peconika company that used Long Island potatoes but was distilled in New Jersey shut down its short-lived operation in 2005, only Hamptons Vodka has been made with local materials. It uses 20% local potatoes, but is distilled in the Midwest.

Now, a restored barn is being converted into the North Fork's first modern vodka distillery (seen here), called Long Island Spirits. It also will be the first company to actually make its products on the island. Co-owners Richard Stabile and Dan Pollicino hope to eventually have production tours and a tasting room.

Their first product is called LiV (for Long Island vodka), and rhymes with five. It will be made with a combination of local Marcy potatoes and upstate winter wheat. They're targeting a January retail store debut, offering both 750ml and 1L sizes.

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